This wonderfully delicious package of apple wood smoked bacon ends and pieces is exactly the same product as sliced bacon, but it is much cheaper and can be used in a wide variety of recipes.
Heat heavy bottom skillet or Dutch oven on medium high heat (I set my induction burner to 7.5 out of 10).
While the skillet is heating, dice the 16 ounces bacon ends and pieces into the desired size and discard any pieces that don't look appetizing (i.e. too much rough outside), if any.
When the skillet is very hot, add all of the cut bacon ends and pieces. Spread them out so that the bottom surface of the skillet is evenly covered. Allow the bacon to cook, stirring only every minute or so. This initial medium-high heat cooking phase will take 10-20 minutes.
Once the bacon pieces really start to cook, the oil will being to foam. At this point you should turn your heat down to low and allow the bacon to continue cooking until all the pieces are perfectly done, about 5 minutes. This is how you get evenly cooked bacon that's both crispy and chewy.
Once bacon pieces are cooked to your desired level, remove the pieces with slotted spoon and set them on a paper towel to drain off any excess grease.
Yields about 1 cup of cooked bacon pieces.Use pieces in breakfast burritos, on top of twice baked potatoes, as a salad topper, mixed in with scrambled eggs, or eat them with a spoon because they're just wonderful and delicious bacon!Store in the refrigerator in an air tight container. Cooked bacon is okay to enjoy cold, like on a salad. To reheat in a skillet over low heat or in the microwave at half power.