Basil Garlic Aioli sauce made from scratch only takes a few easy minutes and the result is a flavorful dip or spread that packs a real raw garlic punch.
Place 4 tablespoons fresh basil, 1 tablespoon garlic, 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt in food processor. Pulse to combine.
Turn processor on and slowly pour in 1/4 cup virgin olive oil mixed with the 1/2 cup vegetable oil. Process until aioli forms, about a minute. Turn processor off, scrape sides, process again until combined.
Serve immediately or store in air tight container in refrigerator until ready to use. Makes approximately one cup.
Makes about 1 cup
You can make homemade aioli sauce in the food processor, blender or with an immersion blender. I've made it using all three methods and I much prefer the immersion blender.